The HPHA laboratories have successfully sustained World-Class Clinical Laboratory Accreditation for over 15 years.

Our laboratories provide service to meet the clinical needs of inpatients, emergency department and hospital clinics at our four hospital sites. 

Services provided include:

  • Core laboratory including chemistry, hematology and transfusion medicine
  • Microbiology
  • Anatomical pathology

Tests and procedures that our medical laboratory staff perform provide critical information enabling doctors to diagnose, treat and monitor a patient’s condition.

InterHospital Laboratory Partnership

HPHA Laboratories are part of an InterHospital Laboratory Partnership (IHLP). IHLP consists of our four HPHA Labs as well as South Huron Hospital (Exeter), Alexandra Marine & General Hospital (Goderich), Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance, Hanover & District Hospital, North Wellington Healthcare Corporation (Mt. Forest and Palmerston Sites) Groves Memorial (Fergus).

Visit the IHLP website!