Patient, Family & Caregiver Experience

The Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) ensures Ontarians receive health care of the highest quality possible. ECFAA requires Ontario hospitals to have a Patient Declaration of Values developed with public consultation that will ensure hospitals put patients first and support person-centred care.

The Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) has adopted the Patient Declaration of Values for Ontario that was introduced and updated July 2021 by the Minister’s Chair of the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC).

What is the purpose of the Declaration?

The Declaration is a vision that articulates a path toward patient partnership across the health care system in Ontario. It describes a set of foundational principles that are considered from the perspective of Ontario patients, and serves as a guidance document for those involved in our health care system.

The Declaration champions the shift for the role of patients, families and caregivers across the health care system in Ontario and outlines expectations about values, resources and supports that should be prioritized.

This Declaration will be acknowledged at the provincial, regional, organizational, and community levels to guide the planning and delivery of health care policy, programs and services. The Declaration describes a vision that recognizes the importance of patients, families, and caregivers as partners across the entirety of the health care system.

Patient Declaration of Values

Note: The purpose of this Patient Declaration of Values, drafted by the Minister’s Patient and Family Advisory Council in consultation with Ontarians, is to articulate patients’ and caregivers’ expectations of Ontario’s health care system. The Declaration is intended to serve as a compass for the individuals and organizations who are involved in health care and reflects a summary of the principles and values that patients and caregivers say are important to them. The Declaration is not intended to establish, alter or affect any legal rights or obligations, and must be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with applicable law.

Updated: July 2021