Patient, Family & Caregiver Experience

Effective October 2, 2024 and subject to change

Masking Required

Masking is REQUIRED for Healthcare Workers, Patients, Family, Caregivers and visitors in ALL clinical areas where patient care is provided in the hospital:
  • Inpatient units, including communication stations
  • Inpatient therapy services
  • Outpatient clinics
  • Medical imaging
  • Outpatient laboratory services
  • Emergency Departments
  • Waiting rooms

Visitors who decline to wear a mask, may not accompany or visit a patient. Your mask should be covering your nose and mouth. Children under the age of two are not required to wear a mask.

Masks are RECOMMENDED as a means to limit the spread of potential infectious agents but not REQUIRED for Healthcare Workers, Patients, Family, Caregivers and visitors in public spaces and non-clinical areas.

Masks are OPTIONAL in non-clinical areas and public spaces including:

  • Hallways
  • Elevators
  • Cafeterias
  • Meeting rooms
  • Break rooms
  • Education rooms
  • Administrative offices

Self-Screening Requirement before Entering

All individuals entering the hospital must follow Infection Prevention and Control guidelines. The screening questions are displayed at the entrances of all four HPHA site locations.

Individuals should NOT visit the hospital if they are feeling unwell. 

Visiting and Patient Support

Visitors are welcome daily between 8 am and 8 pm. General visiting is based on the condition, care needs and expressed wishes of the patient. For this reason, visiting times may vary from one day to the next.

Visiting may be limited during high-risk infectious illness or outbreaks.

HPHA supports the presence of children under the age of 16 when accompanied by an adult. 

*Hospital Quiet Hours are between 8 pm and 8 am

General visits are discouraged during hospital Quiet Hours.

HPHA is committed to creating an environment that is supportive of people-centered care and recognizes the importance of caregiver and family presence. There may be circumstances when the support of a caregiver or
family member may be appropriate for the patient during Quiet Hours.  

To ensure safety on the unit, outside end-of-life support, the number of caregiver(s) and or family member(s) will be limited during quiet hours.  The caregiver and/or family member that is planning to support a patient during Quiet Hours must discuss details with the unit staff of their intent to stay. Staff should also be notified when the caregiver and/or family member arrive and leave the unit during this time.

Electronic devices should only be used with appropriate ear phones to ensure patients are not disturbed during Quiet Hours. 

While in the Hospital

Please respect the privacy of other patients. 

Individuals should try to avoid eating or drinking in the patient rooms. Designated areas are available to purchase and consume meals and snacks.

Please do not use the patient washroom. Public washrooms are available; inquire with the inpatient unit for locations. 

Food and Personal Items for Patients 

Individuals may bring in food for the patient they are visiting. Please be aware of any dietary restrictions the patient may have. All food containers must be disposed of or taken home. 

Chemotherapy patients may bring their own food and drink to their appointment. 

To maintain Infection Prevention and Control standards and the safety of our staff and patients, please bring only the listed items below to the hospital for patients:
  • personal aids, eyeglasses, hearing aids and dentures
  • sleep aids such as earplugs or eye masks
  • mobility items (canes, walkers, wheelchairs)
  • personal care items (scent-free) – soap, toothpaste,
  • denture cup, denture cleaning products, toothbrushes, combs and hair brushes
  • books, magazines, puzzle books, family photos etc.
  • mobile phone/tablet
  • pajamas and robe worn above the ankle
  • non-slip and full-back slippers or footwear

Please do not bring valuables such as jewelry, watches or large sums of money. 

Although we work hard to maintain a secure environment, the hospital does not assume responsibility for any personal belongings that may go missing during a patient’s hospital stay. 

We thank you for your patience and support.

Concerns Related to HPHA Visiting Guidelines

As a first step, we encourage you to speak with the Patient Care Manager of the unit where the patient is receiving care.  If you feel your question or concern requires further attention, please contact the Corporate Patient Experience Office by phone: 1-888-275-1112 Ext. 2423 or email patientexperience2@hpha.ca and we would be pleased to assist you.

These guidelines have been reviewed and endorsed by our Patient & Caregiver Partners




If you think you have been exposed to measles or have measles, please CALL ahead before coming to the hospital (this includes the emergency department). This will allow the hospital to prepare for your visit and stop the virus from spreading. Wear a well-fitting mask (such as a surgical mask or N95) if you need to leave your home for medical care.
