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Use ConnectMyHealth (CMH) to view your health records, and truly empower your health journey.  


ConnectMyHealth Patient Medical Record Platform: Access Your Health Records Today! 

CMH is a digital health solution that provides you with an online, single access channel to view your health records from participating hospitals in Ontario Health West Region, including the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance hospital sites!

CMH lets you view your health information in real-time including:

  • Radiology reports, and where available, their corresponding images
  • Cardiology-related reports, and where available, their corresponding images
  • Laboratory test results
  • Clinical reports, such as discharge summaries from hospital visits
  • Select medication information
  • Allergies documented during hospital visits
  • Pathology and Genetics reports
  • Details of past and upcoming hospital visits, where available

Other key features include:

  • New Results Alerts: Subscribe to be notified by email when you’ve got new results available to view in CMH from select hospitals in Ontario Health West
  • Patient Dashboard: Customize your patient dashboard view by organizing the types of health records (modules) that are most important to you 

ConnectMyHealth Record Sharing Feature NOW LIVE! 

  • A patient (CMH user) can authorize a third party (e.g., a family member, to be known as a Shared Access User (SAUV)) to view their PHI in CMH by 'sharing their record'
  • Anyone using CMH, either to view their own records, or those of someone else, must first register for their own CMH account
  1. SAUs must have their own valid Ontario Health Card, but do not need to have received healthcare themselves at a data-contributing hospital
  2. The identity of the SAU will be verified and CMH account created in the same way as a regular user's account is 
  3. If the person with whom the patient wants to share their records with is not yet a CMH user, the patient can send an 'invitation,' via CMH, for the person to register for their own CMH account
  4. Once the person has registered for their own account, the patient must re-initiate the sharing process
  • If a user terminates their CMH account, anyone they shared their records with will have access to data removed automatically 

CMH can be used on desktop and mobile devices from within Canada, and there's no cost to use it. As it's a web-based tool, there is also no need to download an app to access your account. 

For added security, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is required at each login to CMH, which is available via SMS Text or by using an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator or Twilio Authy. Instructions to set up MFA are available that describe how to complete this part of your account activation.

Individuals who are 16 years of age or older who have health records at hospitals in Ontario Health's West Region can register for a ConnectMyHealth account. You must have a valid (not expired) Ontario Health Card, a unique (not shared with anyone else) email address, and acceptable identity documentation to register for an account.